Team Beatson Cycle to Skye (Part 2)

Day 2: King’s House Hotel to Spean Bridge, 36.5 miles So this was our ‘recovery day’. If anyone had told me even a week ago that a near 40 mile cycle would be classed as a recovery day I would have laughed out loud, but actually compared to Thursday this really was a relief. Having thought I would sleep like  the dead on Thursday night, I actually slept very fitfully and found everyone else much the same at breakfast (exhausted and somewhat glassy eyed). We had a relatively late start in the still pouring rain but beautiful surroundings of Glencoe….

Team Beatson Cycle to Skye

Gosh. Where to start. I was thinking about what to write in this blog quite a lot during the (many) hours of cycling over the weekend, but haven’t had the chance to sit down to write anything, due to lack of wifi/computer/time etc, but mostly through total exhaustion. And actually now we’re home I am desperate to get into my own bed and stay there for a week, but I think I need to do this now  before I forget everything. That being said, I’m also trying to put together some photos and video footage from the trip to include…

June 20th 2015. 11 miles. Tough Mudder!!

So this is a wee bonus blog. My year really finished with the marathon, but we’d always planned to do this just for fun(!). And what fun it was. There were 13 of us all together, made up of oncologists, surgeons, spouses and friends. Many of us hadn’t met before but as always with Tough Mudder, by the end we were BFFs. We had great support from family and friends. The kids took part in the mini-mudder event (more of that later), and once again Dad seemed to run practically the entire course co-ordinating the filming/photographing. I took my trusty…

May 31st. 26.2 miles. Marathon!

So it is done! The forecast was truly appalling, and while the promised rain didn’t materialise, unfortunately the terribly strong wind did. Which blew against us for the last 8 miles of the run. There were a few of us running; me, Lindsay, Ewan, Jeff (White), Jeff (Downie) and Chris. Managed to meet up with everyone before the start which was great, and also met the lovely White family. And we had such great support throughout the whole run which was just magic. Indeed I certainly don’t think I would have finished without it. The Wallaces, the Gordons, the Whites,…

May 28th 2015. 0 miles. Blog

So this is my last blog before the marathon. It was supposed to be accompanied by a run but too much work, too much rain, sports day and a primary 6 Victorian learning festival have put paid to that. I’m thinking you may well have seen enough of my ‘montages’ so please feel totally free to not watch this. It’s basically looking back at the blog itself – from a bit at the beginning talking about why I’m doing this, to a look back at all my guests and then some other highlights (?lowlights). And if you don’t get to…